Recently Amy & I packed up the RAV4 with our tent and headed out to Rockford for a little camping and mountain biking. The weather couldn't have been more cooperative. We had an awesome time!
Rock Cut State Park is located on the northeast edge of Rockford, approximately 1.5 hours from Chicago. We've camped here before with larger groups, but this time around it was just us. Having spent the summer of 1995 living in Rockford during my internship at WIFR-23, Rockford holds an "interesting" place in my heart. I think I'll leave it at that.
We didn't make advanced reservations, but had no problem getting a campsite. Thanks to some advanced notes my parents took on their last time at the park, we had a good idea which campsite would be best suited for our tastes. We ended up with a nice spot completely surrounded by trees, which made for a quieter, less chaotic experience.