You might say that our Halloween costume this year reflects current events!
We got invited to a Halloween party and decided to model our costume over the "friction" between cyclists and drivers. Since I'd been hit by a car back in August, I was the obvious candidate to fill the role of "Cyclist." Amy got the raw end of the deal playing a "Bad Driver."
I built Amy's costume out of stuff we had laying around the condo: Cardboard, duct tape, plastic wrap, drinking straws, paper plates, electrical tape, packing tape, Scotch tape, markers, rubber bands, toothpicks, aluminum foil, a safety pin, string, Velcro straps, paint stirrers, and 2 pieces of foam insulation that came with our new water heater. Everything was crafted by hand.
Since Amy's "baby bump" resembled the hood profile of a classic Beetle automobile, we decided to make her into a Volkswagen, complete with a logo on her tummy. We gave her a windshield to hold complete with steering wheel and windshield wipers. Foam shaped the car "bumpers" at front and back, and I made some vanity license plates to round out the look. On Amy's thighs I attached "tires" to create the abstract impression that she was in fact a car.
As for me, this was my second Halloween wearing spandex. Believe me, I'm not going for a record here! I threw on my cycling helmet, gloves, "Please Don't Run Me Over" shirt, bright orange jacket, and blinker to round out the look… and then took brought the front tire off my bike to create some authenticity.
In the end, Amy ended up winning a prize for her costume. We just thought I was a fun and goofy idea!