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Ticket to Ride, Toys R Us, and Gift Card Evil

Looking for new games to play with just 2 players (unfortunately Clue requires 3), Amy & I have recently been enthralled with the boardgame Ticket to Ride. Thankfully, some friends have shared this game with us and we're hooked. Thus, it was time for us to pick up our own copy.

Amy displays our hard-fought Ticket to Ride game

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Coming Soon: Clue Secrets & Spies

A few weeks ago I was reading some discussions on a Clue fan website when someone posted a video from ABC's Good Morning America. It was a short feature on how in today's economy, boardgames seem to be making a comeback.

Clue: Secrets & Spies (Source:

During the piece, a rep from Hasbro was featured, showcasing some newer takes on games they would be offering. One of those was a new version of Clue called Clue: Secrets & Spies. Continue Reading…