Archive for the ‘Baby Tanner’ Category


2 Years with Wesley

For the past 24 months, Amy & I have taken a photo of Wesley on his monthly birthday (i.e., the 16th). Today he officially turns 2-years-old, so here's a recap of our monthly shots during his time with us so far!

Month-by-Month Retrospective

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Caption This: Dancin' Wesley Edition

We recently shot this photo while on vacation this summer. I'm not sure what Wesley was attempting to accomplish, but it seems rather funny!

Funky Bubbles!

Funky Bubbles!


The Year in WesleyGrams

Having just celebrated Wesley's 1st birthday, I thought it would be fun to go back and post the Instragram photos I took on each of his monthly birthday milestones.  It provides a nice overview of how he has grown over the past year!



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Buddy Boy

As life with our son Wesley hits 6.5 months, certain patterns and tendencies are starting to appear. Those include nicknames we may call him from time to time. One of those — which I have no idea regarding origin — is "Buddy Boy." (Yeah, seriously, not really sure how that popped up).

At the same time, I've started digging into reading older G.I. Joe comics. Thus I had to crack up when I saw this panel in one of the books…

Violence against Buddy Boy!

Violence against Buddy Boy!

This appears on page 22 of G.I. Joe European Missions #2 (July 1988), which was a reprint series of the UK's Action Force Monthly comics (sort of the international version of G.I. Joe that allowed Hasbro to sell more toys).


1st Valentine's Day

Wesley's 1st Valentine's Day

Wesley's 1st Valentine's Day

Wesley is excited about his first Valentine's Day!


Wesley's World: 6 Weeks

Our son Wesley is now 6 weeks old, so we thought it would be a good time to update some of the moments we've been having with him so far…

"Houston, we have smiles!"

"Houston, we have smiles!"

Bath time is awesometime

Bath time is awesometime

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Wesley's World: The First Week

It's hard to believe, but our son Wesley is 1-week old!  Here are some moments and goofy memories documenting his first 7 days with us…

December 21 was our original due date, but we're cool with Wesley coming early on December 16!

December 21 was our original due date, but we're cool with Wesley coming early on December 16!

"Ooh!  We're going to play Ticket to Ride?!"

"Ooh! We're going to play Ticket to Ride?!"

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Wesley Aaron Tanner

And Ubster finally has a real name…

Introducing Wesley Aaron Tanner, born 6:31am, 6 lbs 5 oz, 19 3/4 inches!

Amy welcomes Wesley into the world

Amy welcomes Wesley into the world

Wesley uses his mind powers to levetate

Wesley uses his mind powers to levetate

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It's A Boy

Today we got another ultrasound to see what's cooking for Baby Tanner

In case you were wondering...

In case you were wondering...

As our friend Nick Rosario posted on Facebook: "Congrats, just what we needed, another Disney-loving, Clue-watching, Ticket to Ride-playing, bike riding, Festive Film Friday-having, sarcastic little version of Steve walking around. I pray for you, Amy. Seriously, Congrats!"

Due date is December 21, 2011.